Jerry Maguire: Why watching it will beat your Monday blues

Are Mondays all about you moping around living for a weekend, or working your ass off for a wad of cash? Has the goddamn bell curve hit you in the gut & your ruthless boss screwed your life for good? And then you don’t seem to have a single crumb of motivation to chase your dream to entrepreneurship. Is that you every Sunday night, honey?
Well, then, you definitely should be watching Tom Cruise’s Jerry Maguire to kick those Monday blues away before they come yapping at you. 🙂

Jerry Maguire, that’s still regarded as Cameron Crowe’s finest work till today, was first released in 1996 & is loosely based on the life of the real American sports agent Leigh Steinberg.
A hay-wired work life that blindly morphs into a rat race, appeasement & blasphemy with ethics is enough to damage your mental peace, health & thus, life. And when work becomes just all of these negativities put together, it HAS TO be your wake up call. Hold on, I’m not telling you to become an entrepreneur without having a penchant or vision for it. But break from the never-ending seige of a smothering work atmosphere. It hurts not just your conscience, but massacres your mental peace as well.
NEVER choose to become stuck in a mentally toxic work atmosphere. It costs you your ALL.
Jerry Maguire, is one classic movie every office-goer would relate to, in terms of the suffocating work environment, skewed work ethics & the few bosses & cold colleagues who’d use you up once for all & then look at you like a speck of dirt on their lapel.
The movie went on to win some of the best academy & entertainment awards the year, including those for the Best Actor & Best Picture.
Here are 2 of my most favorite moments from Jerry Maguire that teach us a lot in terms of making peace with work & making your love life work again:
Jerry Quitting Office
This scene adds a divine perfection to the turmoil of emotions an employee experiences upon being fired from his job. Ridicule, frustration & fear. And yet, Tom Cruise, as Jerry brings out these with a finesse as he masks all the 3 into a facade of confidence that he creates for himself as he sets out to ‘build’ his own agency & pitch in successful clients to it. The expression of embarrassment on Jerry’s face vanishes as the colleague he’d never expected to know & trust him so well, walks out from office to join him. Well, that’s life for you. Those you trust, never have your back &, those you never knew turn out to be your strength. Isn’t it?
Jerry wins lost love back
After a perfect victory of his client’s team, Jerry heads to meet his wife whom he decided to separate from, on account of having an ‘unattended’ marriage with. The words spun by these characters are so real, full of emotions & command what’s most required in a marriage – Time, dedication & lots of undying love for each other. The conviction with which Jerry earnestly says, “I’m looking for my wife.” couldn’t get any real for somebody who’s missed love so bad. And “You complete me.” is just phenomenal & true for every person in love or marriage.
So, grab your favorite beverage this weekend & roll over to watch this beautiful movie Jerry Maguire on ZEE5. And tell me how you liked it.
Disclaimer – This is a sponsored content. However, all my views & opinions are honestly my own. Please head to my disclosure here.
SOLD!! 😀 This seems to be my kind of movie! I am definitely catching up on it soon. Thanks for such an amazing review/recommendation!
This is our family’s favorite movie and have enjoyed it every time. You have shared a good movie to beat Monday blues.
Oh boy…watched this movie literally ages ago. Jerru Maguire is so inspiring and he is like one of us. He learns from his mistakes and turns around his life. Just love it!
Oh great, what a coincidence! My hubby was telling me about the list of his favorite movies which he wants to watch with me again. And guess what it was one of those movies. I feel it’s a sign, I should plan a movie date tonight. Catching it up on Zee5!
This is such a nice movie and one of my favorite movie i love watching it every time. Just nice
Thanks for the recommendation. Beautiful movie !! Ryan Kahn, a career coach, founder of The Hired Group, star of MTV ’s Hired, and author of Hired! The Guide for the Recent Grad, says the Monday Blues are contagious. “Your stress or bad mood can drastically change the overall work environment,” he says.
This is definitely one of my fav movies. Remember seeing it long time back. Thanks for reminding me right during the weekend. I am sure gonna catch up on this again and make my weekend even more exciting:)
This movie looks so good Infact I loved to see such passionate movies and why Monday my whole week will be sorted with this movie
I remember seeing this when i was going thru a tough phase professionally. It just hit too close to home!