Liebster Blog Award 2018: My first ever blog nomination!

One of the sweetest surprises that came along with the new year, has been my first ever nomination for the Liebster Award 2018!
I’ve been nominated by Neha, who’s a very enterprising blogger with 2 awesome blogs to her love of travel & positive living. She blogs at Nomadic Dreams & To Better Lives, both of which are full of zest, fun & that every bit of smile she flaunts. The former is a sublime travelogue & the latter, an impressive blog about nurturing a positive lifestyle.
I began blogging since December 2017, & this nomination comes as an overwhelming jolt of thrill to me. I see it as a breath of motivation to my blog. And I feel extremely humbled over this tint of recognition I’ve received at 1.5 months of blogging. Thanks a lot, Neha!
About the award
Liebster is an incredibly fun way to recognize and support new blogs. It’s all about sharing the love & appreciation & getting to know new bloggers to call buddies!
Rules for the Liebster Award 2018:
- Thank the blogger that nominated you, and link back to their blog (dofollow link, not nofollow).
- Pay it forward by nominating in turn 5-10 new bloggers that you appreciate. Of course, leave a message or comment for them to know they’ve been nominated!
- Answer the questions given to you, and write some of your own for your nominees to answer.
- Link your Liebster Award 2018 post to this post by the Global Aussie, and leave your blog post link in the comments section of the same post.
Here are my replies to the questions that Neha asked:
If a new Superhero were to be created with you as inspiration, what would he/she be called and what would his/her superpower be?
‘VIRAGO‘. Although a quite archaic term for a strong woman, I feel it resonates with me. Her superpower would have to be able to ‘multi-think’ over at least 10 different things at a time. Well, I guess, I’ve been able to do that since the past 3 years. By the way, once & for all, most of the mothers are entitled to be hailed as ‘Viragoes’.
What made you start blogging, and what kept you going?
Writing has always been my forte since middle school. All the more, I’ve taken to being a fitness buff after having our daughter. Sometimes, the best realizations come to you only after becoming a parent, as you see a human who’s that moist clay you can totally cast into a beautiful sculpture. I strongly feel that a healthy & positive lifestyle SHOULD be the first thing on our never-ending list of priorities! Especially when our younger generation looks up to us. This fervor will always keep me ignited into inspiring others.
If you could get a wish today, what would you ask for?
Silly as it sounds, but yeah! I want all the crappy soaps & reality shows to end RIGHT NOW! They just endorse a ridiculous culture of cringy crass (Say that 10 times on a loop!)
Imagine your Twitter account as a person. Now, describe her using one sentence.
A euphemism to non-narcissism.
If you weren’t a blogger, what would you be?
I had been a corporate software trainer until I took a break for my kid. So, if not a blogger now, I’d definitely have been that!
Describe yourself using only words that start with the first letter of your name!
Alive (not many are, actually!), able (not many try to be, either) & active.
Here are my nominees for the Liebster Award 2018. All of them have been really emotive with their blogs. I came across these very recently & found them worth following.
- Rashi Mital at Live It Young
- Ashna Das at My Lazy Mom
- Preeti Gaur at Scenario Of Life
- Sonia Chatterjee at Sonia’s Musings
- Stacy at The Crazy Outdoor Mama
My questions for you are:
- Why did you start blogging & how have the responses from your readers influenced you so far?
- What was that thing about you that really embarrassed you in childhood? (Ah! But you’d just laugh it off now.)
- Is there a kind of fear or complex that you were able to overcome later in life?
- Mention a witty tagline that describes you best in a nutshell.
- Tell us about your biggest challenge till date.
- What was the full name of your first crush? (Stop gasping. Nah! I was just kidding. You don’t have to do that. Just go to 7 below!)
- Compare yourself from age 20 with you now.
I hope you enjoy answering the questions I could thoughtfully concoct. I look forward to reading your posts in return.
DO COMMENT here on this post to nudge me when your post goes live!
Happy Answering & best of luck!

Here are my answers –