Sunshine Blogger Award nomination: FitbeWell gets another adulation!
The past February earned me another surprising nomination that was, for the SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD 2018!

And I hold myself up so indebted to Sonia Chatterjee for this second blog award nomination that FitbeWell made to in less than 3 months of time. She’s an ex-banker turned blogger/writer. Her reviews of books, movies & restaurants make it sound less like a review & more like a beautiful tale of rich experiences. Her blog Sonia’s Musings brims with life; be it her prose, travelogue or parenting anecdotes.
About the Sunshine Blogger award
The Sunshine Blogger Award is meant for bloggers who have been creative, optimistic & inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.
Rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award 2018:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to his/her blog (dofollow link, not nofollow).
- Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked to your blog.
- Nominate 11 new blogs for the award and write them 11 new questions.
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post or on your blog.
Here are my answers to the questions that Sonia asked:
Describe yourself in a single sentence.
Young, free & spirited.
Where are you from? What is the best thing about the place?
Since I belong to more than 1 place owing to my roots in the Konkan coast of India. I, therefore, share the cultural & culinary hues of both Goa & Karnataka. GOA is one place in India, the very name of which breathes zest into every human on earth. And it can never be only 1 best thing about it. Be it the cuisine blessed with lip-smacking seafood dishes, the chilled beaches & the welcoming nature of Goans, every moment of it fills you with life!
What is the fondest memory of your childhood?
All my conversations with Mom.
Who is your role model and why?
There are many that I look up to, but Sudha Murthy has always been the one. Her perennial association with healthcare, literature & contribution into setting up the biggest software giant, Infosys in India, way back in the 80’s, is testimony to her best facets. In a country that’s developing at a rapid pace, where many still see a woman’s career as a pawn whose fate is ‘decided’ by marriage & childbirth, she shatters every damn stereotype.
Do you believe that gender stereotyping exists? You can cite examples to prove your point.
Oh, of course! And I firmly believe it exists worldwide with just the proportions varying. In fact, it begins right with the birth of a child. You could read more of my thoughts on gender stereotyping here. It’s not the method of gender bias, but a single mindset which continues to propagate through one’s life.
Which is your favorite movie and why?
All the movies of The Karate Kid series uphold the fact that no art or science is hard to learn & that our failures or victories arise only upon the grit we enforce in ourselves. However, The Karate Kid(2010) has been my favorite among all of them.
What is your favorite book and why?
THE GREAT GATSBY. Now, before you tell me it’s a movie, it was a fantastic & perspective plot first penned by the great novelist Scott Fitzgerald. Though set in the 20’s of the past century, it tells a perfect tale of the shallow obsession with lavish parties, crazy ambitions & lust for power & money. Times change, but people seldom do. That makes the book relevant to any timeline.
One advice that you would love to give to your fellow bloggers so that as to help them learn and improve.
In over 3 months of blogging, I’ve loved to have made many fabulous & loving blogger buddies. Blogging isn’t any fun without the community feeling. So stop lurking & start making awesome friends. This is one place you’d find like-minded people to be friends with, like forever. Because the more you socialize, the more you learn. And learning stops only when you die!
What made you start blogging?
I guess it’s because I could never stop writing & couldn’t hold myself back from inspiring others into correcting their lifestyles. This also was one of my answers to my Liebster Award ’18 Nomination questionnaire.
Do you believe in love? Why?
Love is the only immortal force that drives all of us. And by that, I do not refer to just conjugal love. When you imagine life without love, all you’re left with is a suffocating monotony that leads to nowhere. And yeah! Love happens to all of us at some point of time or the other. We really don’t need to waste time ‘finding’ it.
How would you like to be remembered as when you are not around anymore?
If people remember me with even my feeble moments of kindness with them, I’d be honored in the heavens 🙂 I’d also be touched if people around me could start standing up for themselves like I do. (Well, I’ve spent a lot of time asking my ex-colleagues to do that!)
Now, here are my 11 nominees for the SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD 2018. All of them deserve credible recognition for the kind of incredible blogs they own.
- Anandita Agrawal at Crazy Lil Mum
- Niharika Roy Choudhary at By Niharika
- Ariel at Ariel Evolve
- Shilpa Gupte at Shilpa Gupte
- Rohan Kachalia at Rohan Kachalia
- Michele at Mommy with a chance of Showers
- Upasna at Life through my Bioscope
- Divya Goel at Cage Your Age
- Shantala Nayak at Shanaya Tales
- Shruti Shankar at Over Coffee with Shruti
My questions for you are:
- How have the responses from your audience/readers helped you correct your faults & change for the better?
- Where do you see yourself in 2 years from now?
- What is that something you’d calling your ‘Blogging Goal’?
- Do you have a favorite movie that comes from ‘Offbeat Cinema’? If yes, what makes it your favorite?
- What is ‘your’ idea of a ‘healthy lifestyle’? (No, I don’t want you to say “eating organic food”!)
- Are you easily affected by body criticism (if you or somebody close ever faced that in life)? Why or why not?
- Did you ever burst a blood vessel shouting madly at somebody? Did you realize something from that moment?
- How & with whom would you want to spend your last moment on earth given that you know now when it would be?
- What is your style quotient?
- Mention 3 things in your immediate bucket list.
- What change(s) in the world (or its people) will make it a better place to live in? (You can write any number of things.)
Guys, CONGRATULATIONS! And I hope you enjoy answering the questions as much as I enjoyed answering mine. I look forward to reading your posts in return.
DO COMMENT here on this post to tell us when your post goes live!
And I thank all of you, my readers, for serenading me with your comments & e-mail responses. They only inspire me to give you more valuable stuff.

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