Tag archives for fitness
Smart Watch: Is it really Worth, Safe & Useful for you? | Aren’t free fitness apps enough?
Hurray! We're done & dusted with the first 2 quarters of 2019 already. And your mind has been rummaging through the new year health resolutions you've made & been hoping…
Walking to lose weight? Check these 7 things to ace the weight loss game!
Yeah! You know they say walking is the CHEAPEST workout you could do to lose weight. No hefty gym membership fees to shell out, neither even invest in simulated walking…
5 things I QUIT forever apart from PROCESSED FOODS for my Fitness 2.0
This post is a part of the Get Fit, Stay Fit initiative with the Bon Happetee blog chain & I thank Anupriya for warmly mentioning & inspiring me to share…
5 brilliant ways to keep you motivated to lose weight till the end
To lose weight isn't a game relegated to the arithmetic of CALORIES IN & CALORIES OUT. It comes across as one though. Sadly, what happens is that weight loss starts…
Stair climbing exercise: Why it should be your new fitness muse
You've been hearing that, "There's no shortcut to success" since time immemorial. And so fitness campaigns of all times have been listing out their switch to healthy life as the…
Burpees: The most sassy way up to your fitness
OKAY, let me make a guess. About why you chose to read this post. You're either that person who has always dreaded or hated doing burpees, or one who's probably…
Strength training for Indian women: Because all weight loss isn’t fat loss
Before you read on YOU! That's because you cared enough to click on a topic that your eyes would subconsciously skip. A large chunk of the piously health-conscious women population…
9 super-easy ways to squeeze fitness into your busy schedule
Hyperbolic hashtags of the likes of “#FitnessGoals” have turned you off whenever a friend uploaded a gym selfie on Instagram or Facebook. There’s another one who’s pumping it up to…
Surya Namaskar for Beginners : 6 ways it helps you besides Fat Loss
A lot of you who wallow in New Year health resolutions every year about getting fitter & eating healthy, sticking to the resolution becomes an uphill battle after the first…