Tag archives for kids
3 Top Fool-Proof parenting hacks that surely stop your kid’s tantrums
I know, if you're a parent, you've always stared at your sleeping kid's face to wonder what went through that moment of the day which turned him/her into an invincible,…
Why your family & kids should stop reflecting the sexist Indian advertisements
As a millennial adult, it feels great to have seen a gradation of changes in technology. Through our different stages of life till now, we've seen video games, dial-up Internet…
Mommy burnout: 10 ways you can beat it like a Pro
Being a Stay-At-Home mommy (SAHM) or a Work-from-Home Mom (WFHM) is certainly the most underrated job one can think of. You might have quit your job or taken a career…
Fighting in front of kids: 8 ways to stop it FOREVER
Oh, well, I know you came here to read how to avoid the regular fall-outs with your husband/wife in front of the kids. But I hope you don't mind if…