Tag archives for strength training
Arm Fat? Surefire ways to get rid of it without sagging skin
Have you always felt awkward wearing sleeveless dresses, tank tops or shirts? No! I'm not getting anywhere to armpit hair or darkened underarms due to shaving, like the ads call…
Workout Injuries: How do you prevent them in the Gym
I'm sure if you've landed here, it's only because you want to know the right way to exercise the right way without tearing your ligaments, ending up in super painful…
Stair climbing exercise: Why it should be your new fitness muse
You've been hearing that, "There's no shortcut to success" since time immemorial. And so fitness campaigns of all times have been listing out their switch to healthy life as the…
Strength training for Indian women: Because all weight loss isn’t fat loss
Before you read on YOU! That's because you cared enough to click on a topic that your eyes would subconsciously skip. A large chunk of the piously health-conscious women population…